Monday, January 08, 2007

SO yeah, its been a while. Life happens and i get busy. Anyway, let me try my best to update all of you on what has been happening. I believe i left off with State Cyclocross Championships so i will pick it up right after that.

The Wednesday after states i flew out to Providence for u23 nationals. Got there late on Wed. and found the house no problem. Ms. Ryan (she tells me to call her Colleen, but its hard since i am her guest) was more than friendly and put me up on her sons couch. Thursday morning J and i woke up relatively early and went for an absolutely gorgeous ride (and not gorgeous for New Mexico, actually GORGEOUS). SO we hit the double d for a quick bite and then worked on mounts and dismounts on the college baseball field. We rolled on back to the house, wrote some updates on the web and then i went kayaking. The amazing thing was that i was actually able to kayak on water, a phenomenon that rarely happens in the brown state, (no the Rio Grande is not water)

Friday we got up early to ride the course and pick up the Freeman's on the way and totally got lost. Ended up going from Norton the Providence via I-90 (look at a map). Needless to say we got there an hour late and missed the course preride. We caught the next one and chilled at the course all day until J had to race in the 35 masters race. He did well and didnt get lapped and New Mexico's own Patrick Morrissey got 9th. Went home, ate, and hit the sack. Got up early on Satuday and actually rode the course this time. I crashed in practice, but did no major damage and the crash was actually sort of planned as it helped me find the point that i could take this particular corner. Clarrissa raced pretty early in the morning and got 5th. Mechanical problems kept her out of the medals, but still, a great ride from an up and coming junior. At 1 pm i rolled to the start of the u23 race and lined up about 4 rows back. The front row was filled with people like Jesse Anthony, Chance Noble, Jamie Driscoll, Bjorn Selander, i dont want to miss anyone, but you get the idea. So by the time they said go i was freaked out and was wondering what i was doing lined up behind such good riders. I will make this short. I got 24th out of a field of about 55 starting 25th. Overall can't be too mad. I gave it everything i had and just couldnt outsprint the sonic u23 guy at the end. maybe just because he has been training with Matt Shriver.

Sunday was a more exciting day with Clarissa going off at 8:30 with the womens b race. A broken chain on the first lap destroyed herr chances of a top finish, but she did claw her way back as best she could. I went off an hour afterr that with the U35 B race. I started back in 150th and finished 28th out of a field of about 180. Mountain bike skills payed off as i was able to keep my bike upright in the first lap carnage. I passed about 50 people in a single move, hows that for badass. So overall a fun and productive nationals trip. New Mexico had one 9th, one 5th, one 2nd, and some other great finishes.

Sorry for the terrible grammar. If i dont right these things quick i tend to cut them very very short.

WIth a little Slow Motion by Third Eye Blind, I am tuning out.

1 comment:

Matt said...

You can stand on any street corner in Providence and you'll be able to see at least one Double D. They do love their donuts out there, thats for sure.

Congrats on the performance. Thats a strong field that you have just cracked and you have the next 5 years to move up 24 spots.