Wednesday, May 10, 2006

One would think that a 150 pound teenager would be visible on the side of a road, unless he happened to be very skinny, obviously not the case with me, but nevertheless the lady that decided to park her car at high speeds on Alameda directly in front of me, claimed that she did not see me. One would also think that that same 150 pound teenager would at least leave a dent in her sidepanel when they barreled into it at fifteen miles per hour, again, not the case. If you haven't figured it out, i got hit by a car. Well, it wasn't so much that she hit me as that i hit her, but it was her fault. I am sure that she made the choice between the phone call she was currently making and nailing me, and incedently decided that discussing who bought the booze for her 14 year old daughters baby shower was much more important. Who am i to judge. that discussion could have been very important, she must have thought i was an ass because i was so intolerant of her family situation. I may be an insensitive ass, but i am an ass with an expensive 2 piece roadbike and a bruised kidney. I am just glad that she made the right choice and decided to buy the booze and ignore me. if her daughter did not have that then the baby shower would have been a total bust. She could have at least invited me.

Okay, so i know that i make no sense, i am just pissed because i got to see the inside of a carbon fiber fork, WHILE I WAS STILL RIDING IT. I am probably jumping to conclusions too quickly. The lady who hit me appeared to be only about 19 herself, so her daughter probably isn't 14 yet, she obviously had other things on her mind then the skinny tall dude in bright red that was right in front of her. There is a good part to the story however. The nurses at UNMH happen to be super hot. of course the IV in the arm for 4 hours doesn't feel great, and when the hot nurse has to put it in your arm 4 times that doesn't feel great either, but at least the scenery was good. i have to be positive about something. Oh yeah, i also got 4th in tour of the Gila

Pictures of the portable 2 piece road bike to follow

1 comment:

ojulius said...

Hey Bill,
Glad to hear you are all in one piece and doing fine!!