Monday, November 27, 2006

I have a problem... actually i have multiple problems, but that has absolutely nothing to do with this blog. I just needed something to start the post off with because it is really hard to get these things started. Now that it is started...

I pretty much had an uneventful day. I went to school and work after that, picked up the bike case that Sandy so generously lent me for Nationals, as well as a travel wind trainer and then came home and ate spaghetti. I went for about a 5 mile run in the dark, which i found extremely peaceful, and then came home and shaved my arms. yes, this is what my life has come to, i find enjoyment in the smallest things, like when you shave your legs and then put on a pair of cold pants. Or shave your arms and then put on underarmor. I guess life could be worse. I could have been with my friends when they all got MIPs on Saturday.

On a more training oriented note, my running form is really coming around, which is good for the start of track in January, and i am riding pretty strong right now. After this weekend's climb i realized i am lacking slightly in power, but overall still have descent climbing legs.

Just over two weeks until the most painful race of my life, will i be ready?

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