Thursday, June 01, 2006

Since I am pretty lazy, for all th info check out my link for the Pro Team. All the info is there plus some pictures of how bike racers are supposed to look.

Since nothing is up about the crits here it goes: I did the b's and just sat in. I wasn't happy with sitting in for long though so i made a few attacks all of which got pulled back. I ended up finishing 9th. Could have been better if i just set in and waited for the sprint, but that would be a cat 4 move as i would just be racing for 4th. Plus, you can't win if you are afraid to lose. After the b's i jumped in the A's and just sat in for about 20 minutes. Finally i got kind of bored and i rolled up to skinnyfast and said "I am shot, what do you need me to do" he responded that i needed to go to the front and pull back the break of 4 guys that was twenty seconds off the front. I rolled up there and time trialed it for 2 laps (it felt like 4) and dropped the gap to within 10 seconds. one would think that at that time scitchmo Joe behind me would come around and close the gap and actually then be racing for 1st. i guess everyone would just rather watch the junior blow up and race for 5th. And i thought the A race would be different, thats just one more thing i love about New Mexico bike racing.

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