Friday, June 16, 2006

So with the riduculous emails circulating through the racers list, sometimes i just like to mix stuff up a little. I probably don't agree with a lot of what i say, but it really is funny how worked up people get over stupid mindless crap. Let me show you:
This is the original message
Ok, here I am asking for help again, but this benefits all of us.
Both AZ and OK have signed new laws which decrease the legal passing distance of cars to 3 feet.
I have asked my sister, who is a state representative, to introduce a similar measure for NM.
If you have a moment, drop an e-mail to your favorite Senator or Representative and indicate your approval of such a measure for this State. Go to: if you don’t know your rep.
The OK bill was HB2926 and a version is available for viewing after a diligent search of their legislative web site. (Reg. session 2006, Author: Reynolds, floor version) I have a copy if you can’t find it.
Dave Porter
This is one i decided to agree with
In AZ it was a matter of making it a law that you had to give the rider 3 feet... Before that, you could buzz them without any issue.That said, it doesn't mean jack. I am routinely passed by people going 45 or 50 mph within 2' of me. It's nice lip-service, but that's all it is in my opinion.-Travis
this was my 2 cents
As Travis said, all this is just lip-service. If anyone here can honestly say to themselves wow, that law would make a difference and cyclists would get more respect on the roads, then by all means spend your time pursuing the issue. Me, well, I’m going for a ride because I know for a fact that laws mean nothing to the 98 percent of ignorant Americans who drive Hummers to the grocery store. We will continue to be the most hated people on the road and we will continue to be targeted by trucker bombs and hot cigarettes. No law will change that, especially since a law of this level will never even be known by the same 98 percent of ignorant Americans. The 2 percent of people that actually know about the law are cyclists, who have a conscience and don’t drive Hummers. So I ask, What is the point? It will make no difference. With my recent accident I have found the police do not care about anything without a motor. I mean really, why would they? Think of how hard it would be to carry a dozen donuts, eat a donut, and talk on the cell phone while riding a bike. We will continue to be left high and dry by citizens of this beautiful, lazy, wasteful country. Get used to it or buy a Hummer.
Bill Cowan
and now for the funny part................
the heat i received back

Wow. I just recently subscribed to this list and I'm impressed at how entertaining it is. Thanks for sharing your opinion with everyone. I typically don't respond to e-mail like this, but I couldn't let this one slip by. I agree that this proposed law will most likely do nothing to make public roads safer for cyclists. I commute 180 miles per week here in Durango, so trust me . . . I have my share of idiot drivers to put up with . . .even in cycling friendly Durango.

That said, I have to take exception to your email being peppered with the phrase ignorant Americans. I'm pretty sure that this proposed law won't apply to non-Americans (though illegal aliens may be an exception), so why do you keep referring specifically to Americans? I get the feeling that you hate this country Bill. You also seem to stereotype law enforcement agents. While most of them that I have met aren't the kind of people I'd like to hang out with either, I believe they have a pretty difficult job, and to characterize them as all donut eating cyclist hating people . . .well . . . you should be embarrassed. Then again, I am not familiar with Albuquerque law enforcement practices either, so I may be speaking out of turn here. I do know that Durango has quite a few police on mountain bikes, so I have to think they could identify at least a little bit with us.

Bill, here's the deal . . . there are idiot people and idiot police the world over. The United States doesn't have a monopoly. Based on your comments, I'll do a little stereotyping myself. I'd say that you are a typical "open minded" free thinking liberal guy who is bitter most of the time about things like gas guzzling hummers and people who pass you too close. Sometimes its just bad driving Bill -- not malicious at all. Even if someone does pass you within an inch . . you can't do anything about it in most cases and no law will stop that type of behavior. It's just a fact of cycling life . . . get over it. It's just because they are idiots or poor drivers. .. Americans yes . . but mainly idiots.

It is true that MOST people don't care anything about laws because they don't have to. Their moral code (derived from religion, or like me -- just a personal code) allows them to obey the law without thinking about it. But . . .if you take your line of reasoning a bit further, that would mean that we shouldn't have ANY laws. Good idea?

You also characterize this as being a "lazy country". Ever been to Mexico City Bill? How about Lagos, Nigeria? Trust me that you'll have a whole new definition of what lazy is after visiting those places. To further drive my point home, when is the last time you used a piece of technology that wasn't at least partially developed by an American or an American company? MOST of the rest of the world clamors for American technology and culture. A great example is the bicycle industry. Twenty-five years ago American bikes were a joke, now we make the best stuff in the world. Was it all those "lazy" Americans at Specialized, Cannondale, Scott, Trek, etc. that made that happen? If there is a giant natural disaster in the world (think Tsunami), whose military helicopters are there first (or at all). That's right -- it's those lazy Americans dropping off the care packages. I think (or hope) you see my point Bill. Oh, and before you point out that those American bikes are all made in China, I'll postulate that you are also the first one to tout how great it is for companies to help developing nations and "native peoples". Chinese manufacturing of Trek frames or crap you can buy at Wal-Mart stimulates the world economy, and even the most die-hard liberal dude would have a difficult time arguing with that.

I've wasted enough time replying to you now, so I'll end it by suggesting you relax Bill. It'll all be okay. Hummer drivers aren't your enemy, not everyone in this country is wasteful. If this was such a bad place, it is strange how all these people from other countries are trying to get here, huh? Guys like you THINK they are making this country better. Guys like you actually make it worse. Think about what I've said, don't worry, have a great weekend, lighten up and enjoy the ride. It'll be okay.

No reply is necessary.
(name withheld just so you can't call him a dumbass to his face)

Ignorant Americans? Thank this guy for proving my point.


Anonymous said...

Wow - you really got under that guy's skin. Nice... Now I'm not the only one who's stirring the pot on the racer's list :-)

ojulius said...

Hey Bill, way to push that guy's buttons! And after all that, he didn't even sign the email?!? Sad....

SF JR said...

No, he signed the email... i just didnt want to show you all his name

Matt said...

Was his nam Jim McKay, by chance? A nut by that name from Durango actually took me serious on my comment on "flipping off the train conductor" at the Iron Horse.

Anyway, it's funny to watch people get so angry in regards to online comments. I mean it's a very, basic form of communication and some people read way more into things than others.