Not much going on in the hood around here these days. i hit up the infamous Dan Tuesday ride last night and got a full 1:15 in before we called it a night. i was cool with that because it was just enough time for me to blow up an already blown up tire, pussy out on the second jump in Otero Center, and pull the metal lining through the ferrule of my shifter housing. I guess some days are just better than others. After the ride i cruised on down to the DANimal's house and picked up a tire to race on for this weekend (lets hope i don't blow this one up as well)
Today it was Juan Tabo intervals. 2 times up La Luz road in the 53-19 gear seated the entire time. the last time i attempted this my cadence never got down below about 40 and i had to stand up a couple times. this time, all the way to the last right hander twice seated, with my cadence down at around 20 for the upper parts. after the second time up i I went from the turn to the top all out standing, turned around went back down to the turn and then back up again all out standing. Cruised on back down the bumby ass road with my hands on the bars about 20 percent of the time and passed a car. they yelled at me and told me i was doing fifty on the lower portion. i think their speedometer was wrong. then again they were driving a Toyota Prius hybrid, so they were probably doing fifteen and i just heard wrong. What idiot thought up a car that only has an electric motor up to the speed of 15 miles per hour? A drunk quadraplegic grandmother could do that in a wheelchair, but i digress. back to the riding part. i rode home. total time just over 1 hour (matt, dont laugh i don't like to ride my bike for 14 hours).
Hey Bill....I'm back in town and off work Thursday and Friday. (sorry did not check cell phone until we got home) Stop on by and you can rummage the tire selection.
Did you REALLY do the 53x19 all the way up to the La Luz trailhead? I just don't see how that is possible (or even safe)?
Yes matt, i really did, it is possible, but may not be safe
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