Sunday, November 19, 2006

wow so its been a really long time since the last post. In fact most of you have probably just stopped reading my posts. Anyway, a lot has happened since the random article i wrote about doping. I turned 18 so that is pretty exciting I guess except that 18 is one of those ages where you really can't do anything, but you still have to go to big boy prison when you really screw something up. Not that i am a drinker, but i find it extremely unfair that on the day of my 18th birthday i got my civil service card in which i had to essentially sign my life over to the government. I can now die in roadside attacks in Iraq, yet at the same time the US government won't give me all the freedoms of an adult. I know i am just whining, but still, it sucks.

On a lighter and more bike oriented note, i finally got my settlement check from the stupid lady that hit me in May. I guess i can't really complain with 4 grand, but don't think for a minute that it is an easy way to get a new bike. if we added up all the time we spent trying to get that check it would have worked out to about 20 bucks an hour, and i make half that at my job without having to deal with ignorant people. i used the settlement to pay for my new road bike (see pictures from a few blogs ago) and i bought a sweet team deal cross bike too, which has been my baby for the last month. Yesterday it managed to carry me to a 4th place finish in the A race which ain't bad. I am happy to have a result like that because it means that my Nationals form is slowly coming around. It better speed it up a little because i only have 6 weeks left. On my way to the 4th place finish i managed to beat crazy fast badass Taylor Lane, which is always a goal for me because when i am riding with him i know i am doing well. Unfortunately in today's race i wasn't so lucky as Taylor Lane not only beat me, but lapped me as well on his way to winning the A race. I found out last week that i will actually be racing Taylor at nationals because i am too old to do the junior elite race and they put me in the U23 race. I guess that is not a huge deal other than the fact that now will be racing to not get lapped instead of racing for a top 5 finish. I guess top 15 in a U23 field is better thatn top 5 in a junior race. I guess that is all the news for me right now. I will try to be better about posting, but that probably won't happen. In addition, i gave the username and password to my junior teammates so they can post stuff up here too. Hopefully we won't bore all of you to death. We will initial all our blogs so you know who is writing. Out


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