Monday, July 24, 2006

After a very easy week last week, i decided i needed to pick up some good miles this past weekend. Thursday i tried to go Mountainbiking and just was not feeling it. I ended the ride after about 20 minutes. I was having all kinds of trouble with my bike so i took it down to the shop to order a new bearing and bushing kit. After 3 years of hard riding and racing, i think my frame may be ready to give up the ghost. Unfortunately i can't break the thing in half and pick up a new one under warranty so it looks like i will have to just buy a new frame. I guess i can't complain too much though as it has won me plenty of races. Friday i tried out the rollers that Skinnyfast gave me, and what can i say, that was an experience. It was my first time on rollers and i didn't really think it could be that hard. I was after all and expert mountain biker and could hold a line on a road bike. I couldn't have been more wrong. Those things made me look like i was 6 year old getting off training wheels for the first time. I spent about 20 minutes combined total on them and called it a day. Saturday since my mountainbike was in the shop i decided to do a long road ride. I ended up going out with Skinnyfast and our newest teammate Clarrissa. Thats right, we now have a girl on our team. The craziest thing is though, she dropped me on a climb and she is 13 years old. Now i do have the excuse that i didn't want to shift out of my 53 and all i had on the back wa s a 23, but still, expect good things from her very soon. We rolled out the the August 1 roubaix course and did three laps of that and then just did a bike path loop. Total time was right at about 5 hours. Sunday i had to wake up at 4:30 and head out to Bernalillo for the Junior/espoir time trial. We only had 30 riders, but we still managed to pay the bills. After that we played some basketball and headed back to J-moneys house for lunch. I got on the rollers Sunday night for about 20 minutes and actually got pretty good at it. I can now actually ride rollers one handed and jump off the side of them (although only about 10 percent of the time). Today i will have to do some long easy miles to get nice and warmed up for tommorrow's race. Last week i didn't have the legs, so i need to make sure i have them this week.

If anyone knows how i can get rid of unnecesary and irrelevant comments on my blog let me know. I really just don't want to know anything about urethra fun, or whatever those spam comments are about.


Matt said...

set the blog comments section to at least have the security word identification. That stopped a lot of my unwanted traffic.

Re bike: I wanna sell the Intense Spider XVP. I have no use for it any more. How about $850 for the frame, king headset, carbon seatpost, and Fox F100X. Darn low miles on the thing. Will replace with new 29er. :-)

Anonymous said...

Damnit, Matt. I was going to say the same thing. Mine's lighter, but I'm only selling the frame and an '04 Sid Race (back when they were 2.66# w/o the carbon steerer). You know how to get in touch if you're interested.