Sunday, April 23, 2006

First off, to address the comments. Glenn got right back up and into the race and actually finished in front of me. it wasn't too bad of a wreck but he was still a little beat up. To address Travis' i definately noticed that the B's don't chase down everything that goes up the road, for the most part. My main concern with the B's was the longer distance, and the faster speed they can go when they want to get something done. now on to the the real blog.

I was going to go for a short little mountainbike ride with my dad this morning on my SS but still can't get that thing up and working like it should. Maybe i should run down to the guys at Bike Coop and pick up a thru axle conversion kit and see if i can put that thing in. On top of that, i mounted up some old tires on my FS mountain bike and there were holes so big that even Stan the man couldn't seal them. Hopefully those kenda's will be coming in soon. I stopped riding the Spec. Fast Trac that Matt let me borrow because i blasted through a technical section and blew a hole in the back one, dented my brand new rim and everything. I patched the hole, but am going to buy Matt a new tire because i would feel like a total jackass giving him back a ripped one. i wanted to avoid tearing the front as well, so i took both of them off. the only problem now is that i have no tires that actually work. In the process of changing tires i dropped my front rim on my garage floor and now it is scratched up. That just totally sucks, i hate when new stuff gets damaged, but i guess that is just the price you got to pay to play.

Anyway, my Dad backed out on the ride anyway so i decided to do a long easy roadride on the trusty KHS Flite 2000, with custom painted bottle cages of course. i wanted just a mellow 2 hour ride and ended up doing a kinda hard 2.5 hour ride because of the damn new Mexico wind. I got about 5 miles of wicked fast tailwind after fighting a headwind for an hour and a cross wind for .5 hours before the wind shifted and i got more headwind. I don't want to sound like a Cat 4 though, because i am far from it, i am a cat 5. Maybe for tour of the Gila i will race in leather workgloves and a Camelback. Sometimes you just never know when you are going to flat those quadruble system box rims and need a steal tire lever to change a flat, then do a drivetrain overhaul and still pretend to be racing. My philosophy however is a little different. if you are not fast, at least look good being slow. As for me, it will be the super sweet KHS Flite 2000 red and white Road Bike rolling on Spinergy Rev X's and the new Voler team gloves. i don't care if i get beat by the guy wearing workgloves, because at least i look good. Ok so maybe that is not true. Anyway, i am just rambling, i have better things to do. my girlfriend* just got off work and i've got to pack for Hawaii*. Hellz Yeah.

Disclaimer: All content in this blog is not true and should be viewed at the sole discretion of the reader. The material herein this blog is for recreational use only and should not be taken seriously at all. All untruthful things are marked with a * symbol.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Hey sweat on the Specialized tires - keep them and run them as you see fit. In an early Alheiziemers moment I somehow ordered a new pair of Maxxis LUST Cross (err whatever they are's Sauser's tire though). I'm running Stan;s with lightweight tires and really ahve no need for this new UST tire, other than when I ride in Cruces/El Paso. So with this new tire set, I have no need for the SpecialEd tires.

Ummm...working on the Kenda order. I'll be back home later this week and you can come on over and pick up what you want from the tire pile to get you through until the good ones arrive.

P.S. I got the Mulholland report up...